
5 Foods for beautiful skin - Beauty from within

5 Lebensmittel für schöne Haut – Beauty von Innen

Serums, creams, shampoos and lotions. When it comes to making our appearance "more beautiful", there is now nothing that does not exist.

However, while the right care plays a big part in allowing skin and hair to enjoy beauty, correct nutrition is at least as important.

In this blog post, you'll learn a few foods that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine - and that will help you nourish your beauty from the inside out.

Your diet for great skin

Just incorporate these foods into your daily routine:

1. Watermelon

It is now common knowledge that drinking lots of water not only reduces wrinkles, but also makes you look fresher and younger in general.

Nevertheless, drinking a lot of water is difficult for many and there it is of course super that the watermelon contains almost only water. Although one eats something, one takes thus much liquid to itself.

In addition, watermelon contains a lot of anti-aging benefits and you can even use it topically to give your skin a moisture boost.

A little beauty tip from Korea:
In the country, which is known for its beauty rituals and beauty art, one or the other already puts a piece of watermelon rind on his or her face.

An all-round talent so, which fortunately also tastes really delicious!

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plant is also known and loved for thousands of years because of its moisturizing properties.

Pure and straight from the plant, this is probably the best after sun gel you can get, but when used internally, aloe vera is also an absolute beauty booster.

That's why aloe vera is also an important ingredient in the Blossom Beauty Drink, as it firms and tones the skin from within and refreshes the complexion.

Learn more about the beauty drink here

3. Nuts

Nuts also contain important active ingredients that we need, among other things, for a beautiful and well-groomed skin. Especially walnuts, macadamia nuts and almonds contain particularly many vitamins, fiber and good fats.

They also contain the cell protection vitamin E, which has a strong antioxidant effect and thus protects the cells from harmful influences. A key to smooth and firm skin.

4. Eggs

The secret of beautiful hair and nails often lies in biotin and this is contained, for example, in eggs.

Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that helps maintain healthy hair and can therefore help with hair loss, for example.

Biotin is not only contained in eggs, however, but also in the hair capsules. These are specifically designed to promote hair growth and counteract hair loss.

They effectively strengthen the hair from the inside and give the hair visibly more shine.

Learn more about the hair capsules

5. Carrots

Carrots contain particularly high levels of beta carotene, which also supports the function of the skin and cell renewal. Here, too, oxidation processes are reduced, which has a direct effect on our skin.

Beta carotene also accumulates in the skin when in excess, which can lead to a slightly tanned complexion that looks 'healthy' by our standards.

In addition, it is important for many processes in our body, for example, for eye health or even for the prevention of cancer. So beta carotene not only makes you visually beautiful, but is also really healthy.

If you are looking for an alternative to carrots, you can also take the BlossomBeauty Drink, because it contains extra beta carotene.

Learn more about the Beauty Drink

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